Some resources/perspectives on MOOCs

How free online courses are changing the traditional liberal arts education — from
As tuition costs continue to rise, it seems counterintuitive that professors at top universities would give away their courses for free. But that’s exactly what they’re doing, on web-based platforms known as “Massive Open Online Courses.” Spencer Michels reports on how a boom in online learning could change higher education.

Excerpt from Under the cloud of knowledge deficiency – from xED Book by George Siemens:

I’ve been tagging interesting articles and websites since 2011 here on Diigo. My co-author, Bonnie Stewart, has been tagging MOOC articles here on Delicious. If you don’t feel like reading hundreds of articles, Sir John Daniel provides a solid analysis of MOOCs. Don’t forget to look at the peer reviewed MOOC articles. Several colleagues have found Clay “the McGuyver of MP3 metaphors – explaining all phenomenon in the world through the lens of MP3?s and Napster since 1999? Shirky’s evaluation of MOOCs helpful: Napster, Udacity, and the Academy.

Beyond the MOOC Hype: Answers to the five biggest MOOC questions (Part 1) — from the EvoLLLution NewsWire

Beyond the MOOC hype: Answers to the five biggest MOOC questions (Part 2) – from the EvoLLLution NewsWire

MOOCS, online learning, and the wrong conversation — from by Joshua Kim

  • Where are your institution’s strengths? 
  • What do you want to be known for?
  • Where have your faculty made a name for themselves in research and in global conversations? 
  • Can you use MOOCS to grow awareness of your strengths? 
  • Can you use blended and online learning to aggregate demand for degree programs in your specialization?  
  • Can you find mechanisms to invest in faculty, scholarship, courses, and teaching and learning? 
Addendum on 1/22/13: