It is great to participate in a mooc again, and to reconnect with the ed tech community. My primary interests include social software for learning and facilitating learners to become self-directed. I am currently teaching a course in our school’s web design program, that focuses on developing a personal learning environment/network, and learning to use new web tools in the process. I am enjoying the redesign as I had not taught the course in nearly 2 years.
I am also intrigued in contributing to new education projects that make a difference, and being recently retired from full-time teaching gives me time to focus on that. Hopefully, I will meet others who are interested in new forms of learning designs and delivery formats. I am excited about the current crop of mooc’s as they call themselves, but know that they are simply the tip of the iceberg, and not very polished at that. We can do better!
I am searching for others who are interested in building more than courses – perhaps a new concept for online delivery, whatever the creative juices generate.