Today’s Students Need Authentic Experiences… Not Just Lectures

If we want to connect with our kids we need to really listen to what they are saying. I’m starting my blog tonight with a quirky, reflective vlog by a university age student:

I hear what he is saying…. but do the masses?
This RSA Animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert. He recently was a key-note speaker at the Southern Alberta Teachers Convention…. Does this mean that change is in the air?

When I coach I always try to teach my students a new skill by referring to something they are already familiar with.
This technique inspired my conversation with Amy Burvall during tonights #etmchat
‏@amyburvall to me Remix= play. Don’t we all want more play in our lives? DOn’t we want students to play? (lots of crit thinking goes into it) #etmchat
‏@EHordyskiLuong to @amyburvall I agree… in art we allow students to do a collage. Isn’t a remix a digital one? #etmchat
@amyburvall to @EHordyskiLuong great analogy, but #remix need not be digital I guess #etmchat

Inspired thought of my evening: RT @EHordyskiLuong: nice quote @librarymall MT We all stand on the shoulders of giants. The ideas are important not writer