As I come to the end of the ETMOOC, I feel a sense of sadness, but also that it’s time to continue the work that was started as a result of my partnership with my fellow ETMOOCers. We dared to connect, create, collaborate, communicate, and share with each other. We’ve built relationships and strengthened our PLN’s (Professional Learning Networks). One result is that it has re-energized my work and I hope to share that enthusiasm and renewed vision with those in my immediate, local sphere of influence, including educators in my county. There are many important ideas that I’ve been exposed to and thought about, and learning experiences that I know I need to pass on to others. Some of those reflections are in blogposts yet to come. But for now, here are a few key takeaways for you from my time in ETMOOC. Without further ado, here is my Vodcast, made in iMovie.