Week 9 was a week for listening to the Headless DS106 Radio shows and for experimenting with hacking the web.
Radio Show Critiques
Finally I have listened to all of the Headless DS106 Radio Shows. I am amazed that they are all so different in format, genre and theme and all so accomplished. I found the Spinning Round show intriguing. It wasn’t until I listened to the before and after show that I truly appreciated the amount of work that went into this show. I particularly liked the story of John’s grandfather. The imagery of the kilts floating upward in the mud juxtaposed with the reference to Otto Dix was vivid. I had a few difficulties following some of the stories as I wasn’t sure who was talking, but, in retrospect, I think that was done intentionally to layer the stories together. The music was integral to the show and intersected well with the stories. Well done, Juniors.
This week I completed two assignments both of which have been described in separate posts. Mimi and Toutou’s Excellent Adventure uses Google Maps to tell the story of two boats that were transported from London by sea, rail, overland and under their own power to Lake Tanganyika in 1915.
The second assignment combined the Storytelling within the Web assignment to hack a web page (the OED web site) and daily create TDC657 to create an image portraying hacking in a positive light.
Daily Creates
This week I did four daily creates, the OED hack, the two images above and one written create, Retiring Colours. For the image of what is inside my computer I used the Paper app on my iPad to draw a picture of the fun things that I imagine are lurking in the background amongst the hard drives, wires, circuits, etc.