This is a recent Google + Discussion from my PLN about ‘Rhizomatic Learning’- a term coined by David Cormier who is leading a P2PU course on this topic.
Vanessa Vaile
Hi Helen, yes…I was thinking about this in relation to your other post (in the rhizo learning community) and I think we’re coming up to tge same barriers as with implementing PLNs in orgs ie personal vs organisational objectives (as rhizomatic learning is all about each individual finding their own path rather than workong to imposed objectives). I added a bit more in my comment on your other post but thinking maybe relevance is more in the mindset and way of thinking that rhizo learning promotes – ie outside conventions…but you have a point, sometimes this can cause problems and there may be only so far you can go fighting the system….hmmm…not sure. Maybe a clearer option will emerge as we progress….
I really appreciate both of you +Helen Blunden and +Tanya Lau being in this course. I value the cross-pollination that occurs because you work in business and not education. It’s so useful to hear your perspectives. I hope you also get some snippets of useful information along the way.
RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms
I think I saw that — or maybe another, the TN student lambasting the state legislature about common core. the students are doing what the adults should have — same thing in HE.
But the underlying question – how do develop capable learners – is a really freaking old question.
I came into the #rhizo14 course with a question in my mind of understanding “teacher presence” (see and our role as educators (higher ed or corporate) in designing experiences that help build or rebuild individual learning muscle. Still haven’t followed up with more blog posts on that topic. But my ever-evolving mental map puts this question of “developing learners” at the center, with innovative sets of practices like rhizomatic around the edges, giving us new tactical ideas to use in a more webified world. But it’s not changing the underlying question.
Trying to synthesize here. Maybe taking a long road to get to a blinding glimpse of the obvious. I’ll blame it on the cold in Chicago.