This week @karenatsharon wrote a post about learning to use Mozilla tools. She’s been frustrated with the lack of good instruction, and she’s taking matters into her own hands, joining an SMOOC (a “small meaningful open online community,” play on the term MOOC=massively open online course).…
Author Archives: Angela Vierling-Claassen
Makers, Doers, and Liberation Math
There’s a growing interest out in the world in making cool things, particularly with technology. Commonly called the “maker movement,” this trend has its roots in tinkering with technology and computing in ways that move the creation of things out of the hands of manufacturers and into the hands of real people.…
Join Us for Liberation Math (it’s a class and a community!)
MOOCs as a Liberatory Project
I’ve been reading Elizabeth Ellsworth’s article “Why doesn’t this feel empowering? Working through the repressive myths of critical pedagogy.” This paper is about Ellsworth’s experiences teaching a course called “Media and Anti-Racist Pedagogies” in 1988 at UW-Madison. Ellsworth says, about the role of dialogue in critical education, “Through dialogue, a classroom can be made into a public sphere, a locus of citizenship in which ‘students and teachers can engage with the process of deliberation and discussion aimed at advancing the public welfare in accordance with fundamental moral judgments and principles…Dialogue is offered as a pedagogical strategy for constructing these learning conditions, and consists of ground rules for classroom interactions using language.’”…