My Collaborative WordPress Experiences


My Collaborative WordPress Experiences

I have not yet used WordPress as my own learning management system for my English courses, but I have been involved for the past 3 years in some collaborative projects on WordPress.

In 2013-2014, I collaborated with many others in the creation of an open and online technology integration PD experience which we called Open Online Experience 2013 #OOE13.…

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Teaching on WordPress: Introduction



Here is my short bio for a long post secondary teaching career. I have joined this open, online workshop to learn more about using WordPress for my courses in conjunction with the university LMS.


English faculty member at Kwantlen Polytechnic University since 1996, previously at UBC for 2 years and Thompson Rivers University for 6 years.…

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Instructional Designers in Our Midst


This from a recent exchange in the Kirkwood Community College open online course on ‘Teaching Online: Reflections on Practice’

Janet’s Question:

As an instructor, I have a question about instructional designers. How does one become an ‘instructional designer’ and what are the qualifications for employment?…

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Time Management in a Moodle English Course


From a recent discussion on the Canvas hosted course   ‘Teaching Online: Reflections on Practice’

Discuss the implications for deadlines and due date structuring in your online classes.  How do you plan to keep your students on track throughout your course?  What sort of due date/deadline structure will work best for you and your students?

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Where and When Does Learning Occur ‘Online’?


check mark      You would think I had taken enough xMoocs or cMoocs in the past 2 years, but in my non- teaching semester this winter, I have added one more to the mix: Teaching Online: Reflections on Practice, a free open course offered on the Canvas Network by Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids,Iowa.…

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These are some of my ramblings on various lively discussion board forums while engaged in Duke University’s xMOOC entitled “The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education” led by Dr. Cathy Davidson, co-founder of Hastac. I did not take the weekly quizzes  which many participants were acing without watching the video lectures and where most of the right answers were choice (d) all of the above.…

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The Future of Higher Education and Community: The Role of Faculty

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The Future of Higher Education and Community: The Role of Faculty*


Let’s see if I can combine several ideas in this blog post as I engage in several ‘c’ and ‘x’ Moocs* during my non-teaching semester. Dave Cormier invites us to consider community as curriculum in the P2PU course “Rhizomatic Learning” and Dr.

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The prompt this last week in Dave Cormier’s P2PU #rhizo14 ‘course’ was to consider the question “Is books making us stupid?”. This video is my response. And here is the Google + conversation which ensued.

Mariana Funes
Feb 5, 2014
oh, Janet.
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‘Rhizomatic Learning’

This is a recent Google + Discussion from my PLN about ‘Rhizomatic Learning’- a term coined by David Cormier who is leading a P2PU course on this topic.

Vanessa Vaile

Learning and Change (General)  –  Jan 13, 2014

Who else here is in (or other appropriate preposition) +dave cormier‘s Rhizomatic Learning #rhizo14 ?  
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The Forge and Factory of Thought


The Forge and Factory of Thought

(Digital Storytelling 106)

Even though I am busy finishing up teaching a full semester of 4 English courses, I find spare time to participate in my #DS106 daily creates, the recently hatched collabogiffing storytelling project and the very new #GifaChrome and #GlitchaChrome labs.

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