As mentioned in a previous post, several colleagues joined me in the Coursera/University of Toronto course, “Aboriginal Worldviews and Education” back in February and March. (an excellent course by the way – fodder for another post) Our cohort tried to get together online and by teleconference for a weekly discussion.…
Author Archives: Jim
Digital Apocalypse
Jim Groom opened kicked down a door at the end of 2010. DS106 was the apo kalupsis which tore away the veil that had concealed the sumptuously rich, and often darkly funny nature of digital storytelling from my perception. Prior to yanking the covering from my eyes, video documentary was all I could imagine when I heard the term. …
My Twitter Tottering (aka “learning”)
Ante Up
This connectivism keeps messing with my time management aspirations.
Prodded by Alec Couros’ tweet referencing Kevin Stranack’s “Guerrilla Connectivism“, and inspired by Roy Beasley’s “Confessions of a MOOC Dropout“, I posted the following “Reply All” last evening in response to a college-wide email promoting Coursera’s Aboriginal Worldviews & Education:
“Would any Aurora College staff be interested in going through it together as a cohort?…
HEEEeeeeeerrr’s …
Introducing myself for #etMOOC orientation week
My first project with the revamped Prezi
View at if the embedded player doesn’t work.…