Sometimes you just need to do it

That was me… and then about an hour later I had joined a smooc (small meaningful open online course) to create a website.…

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The Trouble with Globalization

I am almost finished week three of the current semester of study and am really struggling with some of it. It is all about globalisation.

I have spent a large proportion of the past few hours trying to work out the words to express my “critical review” of the readings and viewings for the week.…

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Digital Narratives and Literacy – thoughts now (subject to change)

#etmooc is continuing and I am really enjoying the experience of connecting with people all over the world, as well as having the push to be creative myself rather than looking at what it is that my students can do with tools – I am having playtime first.…

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Credit: Fabio Gismondi

Credit: Fabio Gismondi

Finding the time to create a six word story was harder than I thought it would be. I started with photos of coffee, as I have some friends who I haven’t seen in a while and my thoughts went to what could happen if we could happen to meet for coffee – those thoughts seemed to naturally head to vodka before settling on fireworks – there is a link but this is not the blog for that story.…

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By Aman Deshmukh, some rights reserved

Trying to juggle all of the balls has taken time to master. But today I was given a bit of a helping hand in the form of a class change.

I have been looking at some of the posts about topic 2 in #etmooc – Digital Storytelling – and thinking about all of the awesome things I could be doing.…

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Once More into the Breach

One of the most read posts on this blog is Hidden in the blue box, a post published about this time last year. At the time I was pretty hopeful about actually clearing the box, finishing the thesis, publishing it, and adding some more letters to the end of my name.…

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Blogging, Content Curation and a statue

We are coming to the end of the summer break and what a rather warm summer break it has been. As a result of that I am a bit behind with ETMOOC – well a bit behind where I would like to be in the days before I have actual commitments during the day.…

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I have no idea if this is going to embed properly – let’s just call it the learning process and be done with it ;)

As a part of the etmooc I need to do an introduction of some description. I was planning on actually making a video, but my voice has been stolen so I am relying on the visual rather than the audio.…

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