#OTRK12 Follow Up: Professional Learning

On Thursday April 23rd at #OTRK12, I was very fortunate to spend an hour of time with educators from all over Ontario discussing professional learning. Thanks to @Tina_Zita for the poster describing my session.  The focus was sharing about how leaders balance and blend online and onground ways of learning.…

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#OTRK12 Session & Sharing Our Outline

OTRK12.ca | On The Rise K-12: Enhancing Digital Learning begins tomorrow! I am honoured to be facilitating a learning session entitled ” Professional Learning: Onground + Online = Super Visibility ”  and it’s for school and system leaders. Here’s my session description:   How do you find the sweet spot?  …

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No Agenda & Free Open Learning!

No agenda.  Free.  Open.  Interactive.  Meaningful, relevant and powerful conversations that honour the expertise of each individual in the room.  Sounds good, doesn’t it?             Do you like to learn from others? Do you like to share your passions, interests and expertise?…

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Face-to-Face Huddle, On Safari, Open Discussion @AncasterSrPS

Last week for two days, ASPS students and staff hosted E-Learning Contacts from Northern Ontario. Often referred to as eLCs, these are educators whose focus is to support Ontario students with digital learning opportunities.  As well, learning alongside with us were Education Officers from the Ministry of Education.…

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