An eye out for the objective…


I feel like I’m in the early stages of a needs assessment on myself. If you had asked me what I’m doing for my capstone a month ago I would have listed off about 5 to 10 different ideas. I have definitely been thinking about this for quite some time, years maybe.…

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An eye out for the objective…


I feel like I’m in the early stages of a needs assessment on myself. If you had asked me what I’m doing for my capstone a month ago I would have listed off about 5 to 10 different ideas. I have definitely been thinking about this for quite some time, years maybe.…

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Capstone Kickoff…

logo_capstoneToday marks what I’d like to think for me are two pretty big events.  First, I begins the semester in which I’m officially working on my masters thesis in instructional design.  Second, I’m repurposing this blog to be a process book for my capstone.  …

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A Take on an Open Movement…

I know this is a little late as the #etmooc conversation has moved onto Digital Citizenships, however I wanted to add my take before too much time passed. This vlog post is in the same style of the first using ScreenFlow to capture what is on my screen as well as use the built in webcam on my laptop.…

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A fractal view of rhizomatic education…

Quick Disclaimer:

I seem to be struggling with is putting the nib to the page or at least selecting the submit/publish button.  It must be because I find it different to join the conversation or worried about being wrong.  I hoping these blog posts will get better.…

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