syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

We parasites

We are being often warned about free online services turning us into products. Thoughtful people have long since pointed out how crowdsourcing can mask an exploitation of free labor. The net result of our internet age may just be the latest case of siphoning off from the many for the benefit of the very few; it’s just that technology is making us so much better at doing so.…

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Curation using Evernote and Twitter

I’ve been expanding my personal learning network recently using Twitter. The amount of helpful information I am able to find posted by people I follow is substantial.


I have been collecting all the wonderful software tools and websites mentioned to use in research papers, and blog posts.…

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Scarcity in an Age of Abundance

Fruits and vegetables – Carol Moshier on Flickr Some rights reserved.

This week has been characterized by an abundance of great teaching by the likes of Alec Couros (@courosa), Dean Shareski (@shareski), and Sue Waters (@suewaters). The Twitter feed has been rolling along and there has been an endless supply of blog posts to choose from.…

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Reflections on “The new intelligence” by Kolowich

From DSC:

In real estate, one hear’s the mantra:
Location. Location. Location.

In higher education, I have it that we’ll be hearing this for a while:
Experimentation. Experimentation. Experimentation.

Consider the following reflections on Steve’ Kolowich’s solid article, The new intelligence (from…

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Rethinking the “c” in MOOC

Aha!  I have had one of those Eureka moments and now I get it!  (Sometimes it takes me a  while to get with the program).    @courosa had it right from the beginning when he said in his first post about ETMOCC that the experience would be somewhere between a conversation and a course. …

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Lost In Translation: Understanding Digital Identity and Connection

One of the great joys of participating in edcmooc and etmooc is reading everyone’s blogs. I’m an avid reader and a voracious learner and often lose myself for hours, completely immersed in everyone else’s thoughts (usually way past midnight). One of the topical themes this week is digital identity (springing forth from etmooc I think) and there are no shortage of links on twitter to a range of publications on the peculiar ways our many different personas come to life in this curious space.…

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Enacting digital identity

Reblogged from catherinecronin:

Click to visit the original post
  • Click to visit the original post

When we ask our students to share online — in a discussion forum within an LMS; in a wiki, course blog, Google Doc or Facebook group; on Twitter or anywhere on the open web — we are inviting not just online interaction but an enactment of each student’s digital identity.

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Contemplating the Early #ETMOOC Experience

With ETMOOC now two weeks old and almost half way through Topic 1: Connected Learning (Tools, Processes & Pedagogy), things are truly starting to take-off. It will be fascinating to see how long the legs last. I am hoping that it remains strong.…

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My first #etmooc!

Registered for #etmooc two days ago…

I’m not quite sure what I got myself into just yet ;-) All I know is that 1) I have learned a great deal through my Twitter PLN last three years, 2) I do a lot of daily online learning, and 3) today is a good day to begin my massive  open online course — with a huge class.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs