syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Learn how to ‘learn the new’!

Schermafbeelding 2013-01-25 om 11.28.18What we definitely need in a MOOC is ‘good driving’: find promising roads, get and keep in touch with other drivers, ask for directions now and then and have a kind of destination in mind. I join this #ETMOOC for almost 2 weeks now, and it has been a good learning experience so far!…

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Grab a Cup!

After reading this particular articule:

[*in Italic the sentence directly from the above blog]

Started into #etmooc with the thought to experience cMOOC. Intention let’s see what is happening and back of the mind the aim was to gain some knowledge, the schedules topics looked interesting.
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Welcome to My Neighborhood #etmooc

Photo by me:
AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike
 Some rights reserved by teach.eagle

Have you seen Ben Wilkoff’s Vlog “From Network to Neighborhood?” Take a spin in what he calls his “Personal Learning Neighborhood,” as he shares not just connections, but the learning created in his neighborhood.  …

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Content Curation

I just finished some research for one of my classes last week about content curation. Although I have used a lot of different tools in my PLE/PLN over the years – [netvibes, google reader, netnewswire, delicious, diigo, twitter, pinterest, flickr, zite, feedly, river of news, instapaper, and pocket] – to name a few, I had not discovered “curation” tools – although Pinterest, Zite, feedly and…

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The Light Shines in the Dark

A powerful light shines in the dark.

A powerful light shines in the dark. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The mysterious forces of the universe never cease to amaze me.  As doors close, windows open.  Once, in a relationship crash of my twenty-something years, my father – who thinks pragmatically like any true businessman – tried to comfort me with “don’t look at this as an obstacle, rather, look at it like an opportunity!” …

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Who is in your Anti-PLN? Or, Avoiding TeamThink.

After thinking about the ways in which we can develop incredibly insulated learning networks, I wanted to create a way to find alternative voices. Eventually, I stumbled across the idea of creating a profile for the types of people that aren’t represented in my networks and then going after them.…

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Boundaries and the Holographic Principle

I’ve been thinking of boundaries as included middles, or zones of engagement, which transcend the separation of entities into discrete units required by the classical logic of the excluded middle—A is A, A is not non-A, and there is no entity T which is both A and non-A.…

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Write and learn

Between participating in the Blogging webinar with Sue Waters as part of #etmooc yesterday and a Lance King workshop today, I’ve been immersed in some great ideas lately. During the webinar, we were encouraged to blog about our learning and experiences from etmooc.…

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etmooc: Social bookmarking of sites behind a paywall

    Note: In this and future posts having specifically to do with my participation in etmooc (a massively open online course in educational technology), I will preface the posts with “etmooc,” so those readers not interested in educational technology stuff can ignore if they want!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs