syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Slowly trying to get involved…

Last week I was late getting into the etmooc, and I am still having problems with Blackboard Collaborate and have yet to view an archive. Once it said my OS was not acceptable (Mac x8.2) and wrong version of Java, downloaded and installed after a communication with their support, then switched to Firefox, but still not getting anything.…

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Connection In a Self- Directed Learning Environment: Learning and Teaching in the Digital Age

What’s going on inside the building of Bishop Carroll is not only exciting, but innovative, educational and engaging. Not only are the halls of Bishop Carroll High School buzzing, but inside the offices of several educators learning is taking place.

Bishop Carroll High School is a part of the Canadian Coalition of Self- Directed Learning.

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In my classroom just before retirement

In my classroom just before retirement

The Cilley Professor of Greek

I have had the email address for years, but now for the first time it is really appropriate and fitting, because I became 77 years old today.  If 7 is a lucky number, then 77 should be even more lucky; moreover the more savvy of the ETMOOC members will know that in the ASCII code 77 is the hexadecimal number for ‘w’ which is the initial of my surname, a letter that does not occur in Latin, but did in Greek even into the early archaic period.…

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Collection and Sharing Notes

Etmooc Icon 2

My head is throbbing a wee bit trying to keep up with what is going on in etmooc. Lots of interesting stuff not quite connecting up here. I’ve not manage along to one live session yet, but have watch some of the replays available on Archive | #ETMOOC and listen to some more by recording from the replays.…

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Commenting on blogs

Today was my first day back in school after my snow day and my etmooc introduction to blogging session when I had resolved to read other people’s blogs and comment on them.

I decided that the best place to start with this new resolution was with my own classes who have been using blogs as reflective online diaries for the last couple of years while doing project work.…

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Commenting on blogs

Today was my first day back in school after my snow day and my etmooc introduction to blogging session when I had resolved to read other people’s blogs and comment on them.

I decided that the best place to start with this new resolution was with my own classes who have been using blogs as reflective online diaries for the last couple of years while doing project work.…

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I’ve been thinking about sharing. I participated in last night’s etmchat -an interesting challenge as the tweets quickly scroll by. One topic had to do with one’s PLN and sharing and I wrote

PLN like rings in the water – different levels get different contributions – links, blog posts, direct contact

I started to think about my online presence and my PLN.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs