syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Putting on the Harness

Hi! Welcome to my humble blog. I’ve been reading blogs for many years and been threatening to start a blog for about that long. But I’ve always found reasons not to do it. Most of the time the reasons were either that I didn’t have the time or that I didn’t have anything of great value to post.…

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The University’s Dilemna [by Tim Laseter, Strategy & Business]



From DSC:
With thanks going out to Ross Dawson for his recent tweet on this.

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Information Overload!

Last night, I participated in my first ever Twitter chat. My opinion: it was… be nice….different.

I found it really hard to follow what was going on and the general thoughts of the threads that were being posted and, as a result, did not post anything to the chat (but I did either retweet or favourite one comment….it…

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The Purpose of Education…anyone? anyone?

Though I am participating in an exciting learning experience called #etmooc until the end of March (check out my #etmooc blog), I still want to continue exploring the topic of the purpose of education. Having written the previous sentence, I feel I sounded like the boring economics teacher from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off…the purpose of education, anyone?…

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Being a Contributor

I’m finding that whatever I have the enthusiasm to contribute is accepted so readily among my ever expanding PLN.  I am finding the joy in contributing my support, my alternate opinion, my questions and my heart.  So what will I contribute to ETMOOC?…

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From Network to Neighborhood: A New Definition for PLNs

I get to think through PLNs in a new way. Instead of being nodes in a network, I would encourage us to be people in a neighborhood. And rather than demonstrating the far reaches of our network, we should be introducing one another to the "locals".…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs