syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Get scraped!

Confused and overwhelmed following #etmooc and perhaps other mooc blog feeds? Even more confused trying to follow comments? Have no fear, the MOOC comment scraper is here… you still won’t be able to read everything, so don’t try.

MOOC Comment Scraper

Scraping a MOOC for Comments (Based on ‘la vaca de los sinvaca’ – by José Bogado), from gb155, writing:

I’m still intending to Comment Scrape Edinburgh Philosophy Mooc blogs as proposed in my last post but following a comment by Vanessa Vaile and looking for a good set of blogs for testing purposes, I unleashed the Scraper on 81 Etmooc Blogger blogs and it returned the following output (see below) – a good test!

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“Chance Favors the Connected Mind”

ID-100129789This afternoon I was listening in to one of the #ETMOOC collaborate sessions, tweeting interesting ideas when the moderator, Alec Couros put up a slide with this quote from Steven Berlin Johnson, “Chance Favors the Connected Mind.” Of course it struck me as both interesting and something I thought worthy of sharing so I tweeted it out.…

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Hope is the thing with feathers

Yesterday I had an OL student ask me (in so many words): When is it okay to break the rules? He’d done some reading and found a quote from Gore Vidal who advises writers to learn the rules so you can break them.…

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The Scam of Online Learning Platforms

Reblogged from M.G. Piety:

Click to visit the original post

There’s an interview in this morning’s Inside Higher Education with Katie Blot, the president of Blackboard Education Services. Universities pay millions of dollars to Blackboard and similar companies for online learning services that are, in fact, available for free on the internet.

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ETMOOC – An Introduction

Ok, here goes: I’ve been signposted to ETMOOC ( by my colleague Richie Dunk (, with the suggestion that I might be interested. I’ve had a look, and he was right. I think ETMOOC is a great opportunity to become involved in a deeper discussion of educational technologies and I’m hoping to be able to share ideas, improve my practice and gain ideas on how and when different technologies can be used within lessons.…

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How to keep stakeholders involved for many years.

I posted this article yesterday showing how I think events like #ETMOOC can provide a learning process connecting authors of books in a library, or links in a web library. Today, I’m headed out to Washington, DC for the Mentor Summit, but wanted to post this follow up.…

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#etmooc First Strike

Hoy os voy a contar que me he embarcado en la realización de un curso llamado #etmooc.

#etmooc pertenece a un tipo de cursos online llamados MOOC (massive open online courses) que en castellano sería algo así como “Cursos Online Abiertos Masivos” que se caracterizan por varias cosas:

  1. massive: participa muchísima gente, en principio este tipo de cursos no tiene un número máximo de alumnos.
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#etmooc: Pushed (gently) to Share


CC Search Engine People Blog

I really enjoyed Dean Shareski’s webinar on Sharing = Accountability; his presentation  was engaging and thought-provoking.   Dean is one of many #etmooc webinar hosts who opens up the screen for all participants to respond to questions; as a visual learner the blast of responses is energizing and inviting.…

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….and may I present the first introductory assignment. Here are some random things to know about me in video format. I have also been a huge fan of making videos and have been amateurly (I think I just invented that word LOL) playing with video programming software on and off for the last few years.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs