syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

On Sharing

Tonight in #etmooc, the appropriately-named educator Dean Shareski, @shareksi talked about the importance of teachers sharing.

Were it not for sharing, our jobs would be infinitely more difficult. I’m grateful for the mentors who have shared lessons and ideas with me.…

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I’m Feeling Tired

I feel like I have been left in the wilderness to wander. I know, I know, Moses did it for forty years and I have only been doing it for four. I enjoy #etMOOC and all of the interactions with people who I feel are superstars in education.…

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Where are the Comments? Learning Communities and #etmooc

I was going to tweet this after listening to the last 15 minutes of Dean for #etmooc on connected learning tonight. My mind has been spinning. Here’s my issue. Comments can break a great blogger and no I do not mean poor comments, I mean no comments, I have been teaching blogging for gosh, three years now and it is by far my biggest complaint or issue from students.…

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There is a really neat mooc going on called #etmooc at the moment and I am disappointed that I have not been able to be as active a participant thus far as I would like.  I just returned from a 6 month parental leave and my life is extremely hectic. …

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I used to be this:

But, now, thanks to my PLN, I am this (and therefore, such a better teacher):

I first joined Twitter about two years ago, but like many, I gave up for six months, then tried again. During the last year and a half, my teaching and professional sharing has changed dramatically because of my PLN.

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“Lip-dub” or how to deal with the context

Yesterday I attended part of the session with Alec Couros in Blackboard. Towards the end there is a proposal for a lip-dub. With my clumsy English I did not know what it was. From the context I assumed it was something connected with their lips, these I know them, mouth, teeth, lips … To my amazement a waterfall frantic words began appearing on the shared whiteboard.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs