Podcasts are good for you #5days5posts Post 2

I have been meaning to write about podcats ever since I started this blog. This completely new form of entertainment has fascinated me since I downloaded my very first episode of the History of Rome podcast. (For a thoroughly enjoyable account of the fascinating history of the Roman Empire, check out the iTunes Store or Mike’s blog and download the 179 episodes of this podcast.)…

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30-day challenges #5days5posts Post 1

This new edition of the #5days5posts series starts with a short musing about setting myself 30-day challenges. I contemplate why I think it’s a good idea to do and I announce the first two challenges for the next 30 days.

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#2013EVO Mentoring and much much more

This was supposed to be a post about the Mentoring EVO starting next week, but I got carried away again…

There is so much to look forward to this year. Apart from the day-to-day fun of being a full-time dad, there are be a few other excitements awaiting me in the next few moths.…

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