Catch an Idea. Pass it On. Build the Network.

My friend Terry Elliott, a professor at Western Kentucky University, saw one of my Twitter posts, in which I shared a link to the concept map at the left. 

If you’ve followed my blog, you’ll recall that Terry and I met through a Making Learning Connected cMOOC, and exchanged some visualization ideas last July in this article.

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Pallotta TED talk. Discussion. Solutions.

In 2011 when I first read Dan Pallotta’s book, Uncharitable, I created a concept map to outline the chapters. After his TED talk in spring 2013 I updated it with links to places on the Internet where this is being discussed.…

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Learning2Gether: Recruiting Volunteers Podcast

With this comment, Vance Stevens of the Webheads group announced that the Podcast from the August 26 discussion on volunteer recruitment is now available for others to listen.

Dan Bassill does some remarkable work bringing his past business experience and present passion for improving the lives of disadvantaged kids in Chicago through his tutor mentor programs, and the mechanisms he sets up for that are interesting, instructive, and relevant to communities of practice which rely on the cognitive surplus of like-minded volunteers.

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Tapping cognitive surplus

This photo was posted this morning at Learning2Gether:The Podcast. In the article Vance Stephens (shown in photo with me) describes the session we co-moderated yesterday in the Learning2Gether portal.

Vance says of the session: “Dan talked about how he conceives channeling knowledge into action through a 4-part strategy he articulated through mindmaps and other visuals.…

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Turn words into actions to help reduce drop out rate

On Wednesday I posted my first summary of the National Dropout Prevention Conference in this article.

Here are some quotes from people I heard.

“Shame of American Education is the drop-out problem.” Dr. Daniel Domenech

“1600 high schools in America responsible for majority of droputs in US.”…

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