Be kind, rewind, make stuff, fun with friends

Growing up a VHS rewinder was more than a novelty, it was what kept my family’s video rental account in good standing by allowing us to avoid fees for video tapes returned in good standing. After all, going to the video store with my family or friends to rent Terminator 2 or Empire Strikes Back was a real, in-person expreience.…

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Attention is the now currency. MOOCing with Howard Rheingold


As a design professor in the undergraduate level, I can say first hand that attention is the now currency. Also in my experience as a web designer and developer, attention is gold. I have had much success with my students using collaboration as a teaching tool.…

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GridType: Connecting creative students and their work online [THESIS]

Having been neck-deep in my #ETMOOC experience these last few weeks, I have decided to share some progress that I have been making on my graduate thesis project. Over a year in the works, I have been aligning my thesis with courses taken during my time at the University of Boston, studying Instructional Design (M.Ed).…

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#etmooc UMB Hangout Session – 1/28/2013


Throughout my time navigating and learning from fellow #etmooc ‘ers, I am also participating in a sub-group of fellow students in the University of Massachusetts’s Instructional Design (M.Ed) program. We study, make, revise and design educational tools, courses and materials for all types of education and business training situations.…

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