Alan Levine, #etmooc, and the cMOOC That Would Not Die

We can cut off its head, fill its mouth with garlic, and drive a stake through its body, but we apparently can’t kill a well-designed, engaging, dynamic learning experience and the community of learning it spawns. Nor would we want to.…

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The Case of Etmooc

Topic 5 of Connected Courses started this week, we will be exploring co-learning for the next two weeks. Topic 5 is being hosted by Howard Rheingold, Alec Couros and Mia Zamora. The first synchronous event was a hangout with Howard, Alec and Mia and some of the many #etmooc alumni who still connect and collaborate on a regular basis.…

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#change#etmooc#loptis. Ritorno

L’estate e il caldo mi debilitano. Ecco spiegato il lungo e prolungato silenzio che deliberatamente ho mantenuto, assecondando un naturale istinto di sopravvivenza. L’attività, qui non manifesta, si è spostata su Flickr a cui ho affidato scoperte, sorprese, più o meno piacevoli, esplorazioni…

Ginevra, la mia cagnetta, oramai è diventata la mia vivace compagna di passeggiate e, al contempo, veicolo di una comprensione più approfondita anche dei comportamenti uomini.…

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#change#etmooc#loptis. Ritorno

L’estate e il caldo mi debilitano. Ecco spiegato il lungo e prolungato silenzio che deliberatamente ho mantenuto, assecondando un naturale istinto di sopravvivenza. L’attività, qui non manifesta, si è spostata su Flickr a cui ho affidato scoperte, sorprese, più o meno piacevoli, esplorazioni…

Ginevra, la mia cagnetta, oramai è diventata la mia vivace compagna di passeggiate e, al contempo, veicolo di una comprensione più approfondita anche dei comportamenti uomini.…

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My thoughts on the future of higher education [Christian]

My thoughts on the future of higher education -- March 2013 by Daniel Christian



From DSC:
Though the title of this article I wrote says 10 years, it may be more or less (and given the pace of change, I would lean towards sooner rather than later).  

If you haven’t read Christensen’s/Horn’s/Johnson’s work re: disruption — such as Disrupting Class and/or The Innovator’s Dilemma — it would be worth your time to do so.

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The future of higher ed according to Richard DeMillo; some thoughts/perspectives worth reflecting on

Traditional institutions will close, number of colleges and universities will rise (audio and transcript) — from (where LLL stands for lifelong learning) by Richard DeMillo | Director of the Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Institute of Technology
Excerpt (emphasis DSC):
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The power of being able to pursue one’s passion. [Christian]

From DSC:
I appreciate Kevin Wheeler’s comment on Jay Cross’ posting entitled “A Solution to the College Crisis” (emphasis below from DSC)

In response to Jay Cross:

Higher education in the United States is broken. Costs are ouf of control.

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What are we doing?! We will all pay for these broken strategies — for generations to come! Time for some new goals!

From DSC:
Some very frustrated reflections after reading:

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The Spread of Learning Rhizomes

It would appear that the learning rhizomes are spreading uncontrollably—which, for any trainer-teacher-learner, is a wonderfully positive phenomenon.

etmoocHaving been introduced recently to what Dave Cormier calls rhizomatic learning—a connected learning process that mirrors the spreading of rhizomes so there is no center, just a wonderfully ever-expanding network of learning connections rooted in creation, collaboration, and the building of communities of learning—I now am seeing this connected learning phenomenon nearly everywhere I look.…

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