Etmooc 3 Year Anniversary Celebration

On January 20th we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the Open and Connected Learning Mooc (etmooc) and launched the Mario Couros Memorial Bursary.

Susan hosted the conversation on Zoom which was a new video conferencing program for most participants.…

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The Case of Etmooc

Topic 5 of Connected Courses started this week, we will be exploring co-learning for the next two weeks. Topic 5 is being hosted by Howard Rheingold, Alec Couros and Mia Zamora. The first synchronous event was a hangout with Howard, Alec and Mia and some of the many #etmooc alumni who still connect and collaborate on a regular basis.…

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Teaching uncertainly #rhizo14


The topic for this past week in #rhizo14 was embracing uncertainty. A familiar topic in my work context. Kimberly Scott, the Director of the Master’s Program in Learning & Organizational Change (my professional home), openly tells graduate students to get used to playing in the ambiguity sandbox.…

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Time Travel, Personal Learning Networks, and Rhizomatic Growth

Let’s engage in some trainer-teacher-learner time travel; let’s revel in a wonderfully and gloriously circular learning moment whose beginning and end have not yet stopped expanding—and won’t if you decide to enter into and further expand this moment as part of a connected educator network.…

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At a pub with 2,000 of your closest friends

Earlier this week I jumped into two Twitter chats that were happening simultaneously. One is an on-going reunion of participants from #etmooc. The other is part of a new, school-year-long professional development forum called Open Online Experience 2013 (#ooe13), a venture that also grew out of the #etmooc community.…

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The personal pull into social


Note: I wrote this short blog post for the Jive Software community. It was subsequently picked by and republished by DZone. It’s my thinking on whether there is in fact some connection between personal learning networks (PLNs) and social business.

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Personal learning networks – notes and resources

Some thoughts and partial thoughts as I work through a collection of readings and resources on personal learning networks (PLNs) as they apply broadly to professionals and learners of all types. These readings will be part of Exploring PLNs: Practical Issues for Organizations, an open online seminar I will be co-facilitating this Fall.…

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Hand-crafting a greater role for personal learning networks

Personal learning networks should deepen our humanity.

That’s a half-baked idea, but I think it starts to get at something that has emerged in a few recent conversations I’ve had with a good friend. This all starts because personal learning networks (PLNs) and their impact within workplaces and education spaces raises a set of questions for me that is driving my current work and thinking.…

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Half baked, revisited

I’ve been thinking a good deal lately about personal learning networks (PLNs) and their relationship to organizational knowledge sharing and collaboration. Or maybe not so much thinking as observing. Observing the emergence of new PLNs.

PLNs are the result of an individual being a connected and effective digital, networked learner.…

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Pinching my digital networked learning self

large_2932097858This week’s topic in #edcmooc is “reasserting the human” – a look at various responses to the apparent threat to humanity posed by the ever-increasing presence (intrusion?) of technology. It’s an interesting setup; forcing a debate on what, in fact, does it mean to be human?…

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