Drive time listening


I am a pretty regular podcast listener, mostly while commuting. Recently though I’ve been listing to iPlayer radio on the drive home. I listen to today on the way in. This week I’ve restarted the podcast habit.

I’ve listened to one old friend and a couple of new ones.…

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Microcast 2: Webmention ping-pong


So microcast 2 comes hot on the heels of number one. A few interesting things came out of the first one. Most excitingly I got a webmention from Henrik Carlsson’s Blog. He had produced a microcast in response to mine.…

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An indie wave for @joedale


This is a microcast, it is microcast number 1 here.

There is a few thinks rattling around my head that I think link up.

They were prompted bya tweet from Joe Dale this morning. I was eating breakfast when Joe tweeted that anchor, the podcasting app had some new features.…

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iOS Workflows for WordPress 2


The audio on this post was recorded and uploaded with the on my phone. The images were too. The posts was written in drafts and posted from there with a Workflow action.

Yesterday’s post was just about using…

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The Levelator Lives

A while back I bookmarked How to Revive The Levelator in El Capitan on TidBITS and followed the instructions to get this essential piece of podcasting software to work again after updating my mac to El Capitan.

This week TidBITS had the news: The Levelator 2.1.2 Works in El Capitan announcing a new version.…

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mp3 (and other files) upload on iOS Finally

Finally ios allows upload of files from more than the photo library. This is just the first mp3 I found in my Dropbox. It is a recording n Buchanian st. In Glasgow.

The more includes OneDrive for glow folk.…

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Glow Cast


Glow Cast is a new podcast. Just one episode so far.

As you would imagine it is a podcast about Glow. The idea is to keep the episodes short and fairly casual. The more important function is to demonstrate how easy it s to podcast and provide some resources for would be podcasters.…

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Listen To Me – I Can Read

audioboo_logo[1]We’ve had the Audioboo App on our school iPads for a while now. It’s a great podcasting tool because you can easily record student’s voices and the recording automatically uploads to the Audioboo website where you can manage all your “Boos” and embed them wherever you want.…

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# etmooc – La lingua batte e sei gradi di separazione (1)

Pago volentieri il canone TV anche solo per radio3rai con  i suoi fantastici programmi; in più occasioni ho espresso apprezzamenti per le proposte, sempre di qualità, che la rete offre agli utenti e che in più occasioni mi hanno sollecitato all’azione, proprio come è accaduto qualche giorno fa con la realizzazione di una storia, utilizzando Storify, sulla nuova iniziativa Le librerie di qualità di Fahrenheit.…

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