“…totally uncharted territory.”

#IntroGuitar Performance Day

Something that I haven’t given as much blog attention here as I would have liked so far this semester is the vibrant community that has sprung up around our school’s Introduction to Guitar class. Having had students post their work regularly to a wiki site in past years, I wanted to incorporate some of the design lessons I learned in #Philosophy12 and create a site that could function as a hub of creation, collaboration, and community that would serve not only our school’s face-to-face guitar students, but also offer wayfinding musicians on the open web a place to play, learn, and offer their own expertise to one another.…

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Embracing My Inner Blue Whale

As I was flipping through You-tube this afternoon I came across the following video which really touched my spirit.

This sparked my curiosity and I found myself playing around, flipping through videos. My son then reminded me that it was time to practice his home reading.…

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Embracing My Inner Blue Whale

As I was flipping through You-tube this afternoon I came across the following video which really touched my spirit.

This sparked my curiosity and I found myself playing around, flipping through videos. My son then reminded me that it was time to practice his home reading.…

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Peter Jensen paints a double-headed sea serpent on our house in the Whittaker neighborhood

Peter Jensen paints a double-headed sea serpent on our house in the Whittaker neighborhood

I came home from a walk last week, and a double-headed sea serpent was appearing on the wall of our house.

A Sisutyl (also spelled Sisiutl) is a dramatic supernatural creature, and it is one of the most high ranking crests in Kwagiulth culture.

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Choose Your Path 5 Card Flickr Story #etmooc

Five Card Story: Choose Your Path

a #etmooc story created by sheri42

flickr photo by dmffryed

Choose your path


flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

Let the tendrils of life flow through old ideas


flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

To add new steps and styles


flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

That plant your unique rainbow of creativity


flickr photo by Henriksent

That waves gently into the path of others, rippling new oceans of endless connections.

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Digital Story Telling Poetry – A Project #etmooc

I’m behind ( need rhizome post) and ahead (digital storytelling) — racing like a turtle  and I can’t keep up, yet I add to the story with a segment from  past post from 2009 because of this encouraging post by Verena Roberts for next week’s digital storytelling #etmooc.…

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“Tell all the Truth …”

I was reading some poetry this evening, cause that’s what lit-geeks like me do, and serendipitously found this Emily Dickinson poem that resonated deeply with me on many levels, especially in regards to my quixotic pursuit of the paradigm shift with educational technology that I spoke of in my last post.…

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