#TVSZ 4.0

Now I am big fan of #TVSZ, a zombie twitter game as you may or not know. I’ve written about it here and here. I’ve created movies (sadly more than one!) about zombies. So you can tell that I think #TVSZ is an wonderful learning experience.…

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Infinite Monkeys: Part II

So yesterday I was writing about creating an app (short for software application) for teachers using MS Paint for Grade 1. I’m still working on it and since Kevin asked for a debrief on the software I thought I’d write another post on the process of building this app.…

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Mozilla Cakepop Maker and Augmented Perry Apps

Mozilla Cakepop MakerJust like drawing something forces you to really look at it, remixing something brings a deeper understanding of the artifact and how it was created.  My remixing activity involved remixing a Popcorn project.  I had looked at creating a Popcorn project a couple of times previously, but was always thrown off by the “import video” imperative as I didn’t have a video to import.…

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Continuing My Mission for Life Long Learning

This is the last week of #etmooc. I’ve noticed that many of you have jumped in with your last posts, so I figured that although this will not be my last post (I’m now addicted to blogging) I would try to put into words how life changing my #etmooc experience has been for me.…

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Who is Digital Literacy for?

So I am stuck in last week’s storytelling mode because I am still working with Popcorn Maker. While you can turn the sound off on the video you’ve downloaded, you can’t seem to be able to replace the sound track with another track ( I was thinking of replacing the sound track on Twitter vs.…

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13-Second Story: Genji Wants to Ride

The past two weeks I’ve been trying to decide what tools to use for my digital storytelling assignment.  I’ve had experience with Animoto and Xtranormal; both are really fun.  I was intrigued about the possibilitities of Popcorn Maker, which gave me an idea of a task.…

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Twitter vs. Zombies 2.0 using Popcorn #2

So I thought I would talk about Popcorn Maker as educational software today rather than just sharing what I made with Popcorn. I am in the process of creating a new movie with Popcorn to experiment with the program so more, so as I warned before, there will be another Zombie movie coming to a browser near you.…

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The Story of Counselling- Version 1 Popcorn Maker

Over the next two weeks my goal is to share my story of counselling in as many different digital story formats as I can find the time to try. I am starting with my first attempt at a Popcorn Maker. Please feel free to provide any feedback on my post.…

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#ETMOOC: PopCorn Maker for Digital Stories

This week in ETMOOC we are talking about connecting as a way to network and learn from one another. One of the ways we connect is in our Google+ ETMOOC Community. Last night, while reviewing posts, I saw one from David Saunders, who created his introductory post using “PopCorn Maker.”

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