What the heck is Connectivism and Whats It Doing in My Mooc?

See on Scoop.itConnectivism for Online Learning

A couple of weeks through the Educational Technology and Media course #etmooc, and it seems like a lot of participants are learning and enjoying themselves.  Recently though I have noticed some pos…

See on thomasokon.wordpress.com

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What the heck is Connectivism and Whats It Doing in My Mooc?

A couple of weeks through the Educational Technology and Media course #etmooc, and it seems like a lot of participants are learning and enjoying themselves.  Recently though I have noticed some post’s questioning the process of this course, if there is any learning taking place, and comparing it to other mooc’s.  …

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Curation using Evernote and Twitter

I’ve been expanding my personal learning network recently using Twitter. The amount of helpful information I am able to find posted by people I follow is substantial.


I have been collecting all the wonderful software tools and websites mentioned to use in research papers, and blog posts.…

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Content Curation

I just finished some research for one of my classes last week about content curation. Although I have used a lot of different tools in my PLE/PLN over the years – [netvibes, google reader, netnewswire, delicious, diigo, twitter, pinterest, flickr, zite, feedly, river of news, instapaper, and pocket] – to name a few, I had not discovered “curation” tools – although Pinterest, Zite, feedly and scoop.it…

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The Journey continues…

It is great to participate in a mooc again, and to reconnect with the ed tech community. My primary interests include social software for learning and facilitating learners to become self-directed. I am currently teaching a course in our school’s web design program, that focuses on developing a personal learning environment/network, and learning to use new web tools in the process.…

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