Heart of A Community: BCHS Students Fill Their Hearts

One of the innovative projects I am pleased to work on this year involves a collaboration between myself, another counselling colleague and our art teacher. BCHS Spectrum Club’s mission is to bring people together and spread a message of love and acceptance.

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Identity Crisis

According to the BCTF document Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers and Teacher Assistants/ Education Assistants the role of the teacher includes designing an instructional program, developing IEPs, planning learning activities, determining appropriate modifications and adaptations in line with IEP goals, identifying the appropriate instructional learning resources, and advocating for the appropriate instructional learning resources when required.
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So it’s been awhile. As a matter of practice, I don’t write here about my family or politics. But I want to change that for maybe one post. It’s my attempt to come to grips with what has been happening in the U.S.…

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A Review: The Best Kind of People

A Review: The Best Kind of People

By Zoe Whittall


I was drawn to this book given its somewhat relatable premise. A highly regarded educator and upstanding citizen has an unthinkable claim made against him. The resulting fallout not only ruins his career but impacts his entire family.

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A Review: Professional Capital:Transforming Teaching in Every School


If you have hopes of making a significant impact or change in any system that seems mired in bureaucracy, entrenched beliefs, and on overall lack of vision that makes a systematic shift nearly impossible, then Professional Capital is a must read.

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ART THERAPY: We All Wear a Mask

One of the innovative projects I am pleased to work on this year involves a collaboration between myself, another counselling colleague and our art teacher.

BCHS Spectrum Club’s mission is to bring people together and spread a message of love and acceptance.

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Being Disruptive

​Image courtesy: Pixaby.com
When the concept of blended learning was first introduced to me in OLTD 502 I was fascinated by it.  The concept of merging face-to-face instruction with online instruction was so innovative. I could see the potential.  Blended learning is a promising approach with the potential to transform Canadian higher education.
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No Problems…..Just Solutions.

​One of my favourite sayings is, “No problems, just solutions.”

Educators face many challenges today.  Class size and composition, reduction in funding and services, and the adoption of multiple initiatives involving curriculum and reporting.

In my current teaching position I would identify two urgent problems, or as I like to refer to them – challenges.

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The Return of YouTube RSS

I just read this on OLDaily ~ by Stephen Downes in my RSS reader.

Points to

apparently YouTube has decided to allow users to follow channels via RSS again,

from: YouTube has (apparently) reinstated RSS feeds – BiteofanApple

It seems to work, I’ve aded my own channel to my RSS reader, Inoreader, and it worked fine.…

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