Around 2006-2007, our lives began to change as Web 2.0 technologies transformed the Web from a static repository of content into an interactive dialogue. Before long, most of us were reading blog posts written by ……
Tag Archives: Web 2.0
Improving Learning with Metacognition
Do you remember the first time you taught online? What have you learned about online teaching since that first experience, and how have these lessons shaped the way you teach today?
Engaging in questions like this ……
Bringing digital literacies into focus
Like many of my #etmooc colleagues I am suffering from an excess of information. I have been gorging myself on blogs, and twitter feeds; following interesting links, watching YouTube videos, seeing and hearing stories about what it means to be literate in a digital world.…
Blogging Resources and Best Practices
I have been blogging for about three years, but it has only been since I joined etmooc that I have blogged with any frequency. Last year I mostly blogged to share information and resources from professional development sessions and to share my photos.…
Webinar archive: Using Google Docs Presentation Tools
I hosted a webinar to stream this session for my co-workers at Alberta Education on January 24th. I almost cancelled the session because I am pretty familiar with Google docs and there was a pretty large pile of paper accumulating on my desk.…
Misadventures in Connected Learning … But That’s Not All!
Before this second week of #etmooc “Connected Learning” slips by, I wanted to write a post reflecting a bit on the prompt: ”Is it possible for our classrooms to support this kind of (connected) learning? If so, how?…
content curation and mismatching socks
As anybody that knows me would tell you, I am a very disorganized person. I ten to leave all my documents (passports, ID, etc) in a drawer (ok, but which one?), spare photocopies all piled up in a very old box which looks like about to explode at any time, bank notes and coins all over the place (pockets, on tables, inside books…).…
Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technology by Michelle Pacansky-Brock
Michelle Pacansky-Brock is a college educator who is passionate about the potentials of teaching with web 2.0 tools both in the classroom and online. In 2007 Michelle was the recipient of the Sloan-C Excellence Award in online teaching and the NISOD Award for teaching excellent.…
Orientation for #ETMOOC
I was excited to get started with #ETMOOC this week. I love exploring, discussing, sharing and learning new things with my colleauges. One of the most exciting things about participating in this massive open online course is being able to participate along side my colleagues, not only online, but in my school too.…