#etmooc Lip Dub!

Well #etmooc, we’ve reached the end of our first topic, Connected Learning. This has been an amazing experience for me, as a facilitator and learner, as I’ve read through so many excellent posts and ideas from our participants. It’s wonderful to see the extent of sharing and support that has resulted through the development of this community. Thank you all!

And, I’m very excited to share our #etmooc crowdsourced #lipdub project! Thanks to a  community vote, a Google Doc, and our tireless editor @stumpteacher, we’ve created something that I feel is so very memorable and representative of this experience. Take a look – I hope you enjoy it.

Of course, what we’ve learned about Connected Learning will continue to guide us through #etmooc – it is core to its structure (or nonstructure). So, I hope that we will continue to contemplate, co-create, study, and live as connected learners.

Our next topic is Digital Storytelling, and an outline of the next two weeks will be shared tomorrow. If you haven’t been able to participate as you had originally intended, do not worry. Tomorrow is a new topic, with the possibility of a fresh start.

Join in, invite a friend or colleague, and let’s spend the next two weeks discussing, sharing, and creating digital stories.

Connect with you soon.


16 thoughts on “#etmooc Lip Dub!

  1. This whole experience has been life changing. Every day reading blogs, following #etmooc on Twitter, the Blackboard sessions, Google+ community has opened me up to a whole new learning community. The relationships I’m beginning to build will have a significant impact on me as a professional and as a person. Alec, thanks so much for offering your expertise and organizing a band of professionals helping us step out of our comfort zone. And then there’s the lipdub. Simply amazing. My community outside of etmooc is about to be inundated with @stumpteacher’s masterpiece.

  2. Great work @stumpteacher, the #lipdub is fantastic. It is connected learning: people from all over learning and sharing. The #etmooc experience “contemplate, co-create, study, and live as connected learners” has introduced me to new tweeps, and ideas and modeled me how learning environments can be (un)structured. I have seen the support structures (community hang outs like Google+, the Blog Hub https://etmooc.org/hub, and tweet chats) needed to support open learning communities. Thanks @courosa and all #etmooc conspirators. Looking forward to Digital Storytelling.

    • I’m glad Sally. We wanted to make sure that #etmooc had frequent starting points so that people don’t feel that they’re so behind. We’d love you to start up with us again. Hope it works for you.

  3. Laughing, laughing, almost to the point of joyful tears. So much engagement and enjoyment in the #etmooc lipdub – what an incredible bunch of people (sorry I didn’t quite get my act together on that one – can we do another before the end, do you think?)

    And thank you also for the “frequent starting point” – it’s report card crunch, and I have a cold, so my participation may drop off a little for the next bit, but …..I’ll be back!

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