I am happy to share…

A small group of faculty and myself are working to put together a professional learning ‘event’ where faculty are sharing and showing their colleagues how they are using technology to enhance learning in their classrooms and spaces.

The session is meant to be an informal and fun event where staff are encouraged to bring their own technology, try something new, or to begin the journey of digging into something a little bit deeper and be connected to a colleague (or colleagues) that they can bounce ideas off of.

(I’ll share more details with once we have them more focused but the idea for the event came from this blog post entitled Electronic Gadget Petting Zoo. A faculty member sent the link to me and inquired how we might be able to do something similar… )

Our committee divided up ‘the list’ of teachers to invite to share and have started contacting them. I have to admit I was initially worried about what the responses would be… but my first response back was…

How simple, yet wonderful….