Subscribed Blogs

Below you will find a list of all ETMOOC blogs this site is subscribing to. Please note that if you submitted a link for a category tag we are subscribing to it, but the link below will point to your main blog (I hope to figure a way around this- its a long story, but the link is what the feed reports as as a source).

UPDATE! The search is modified so if you enter the name of your blog or your domain, it should return posts found from your blog. If you save the url listed for “See all syndicated posts from this blog” (e.g. this will show all posts from your blog we have syndicated.

If your blog does not appear below, see how to get your blog connected to the ETMOOC Blog Hub. If there is an issue (like you submitted it already, but give is some time to process it, ok?) please contact Alan Levine on twitter @cogdog.

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49 thoughts on “Subscribed Blogs

    • No offense, but we do not want to aggregate all your blog posts, just ones related to etmooc. Can you use a tag or category in your blog?

  1. Attached is the blog space I’ve set up for the 2 MOOCs I’m doing starting in Jan (this one and one through Coursera). Hope it’s OK that I post for both…I’ll label them in the title. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Actually what we prefer is that you use an etmooc tag for your posts, that way we only aggregate the stuff you designate as etmooc- the url we would use is then

      Let me know if this works (you can use WordPress categories as well, its your choice). We actually will set up a form to collect this info the first week, i was just looking for a few to start testing.

  2. I read the instructions and created a blog just for the ETMOOC course – – since it is dedicated to just the course, I thought from the instructions that is all I need to give you in terms of an address. My only category is #etmooc. If this is incorrect, please enlighten me. Thanks!

    • Thanks Glenn- you are in good shape. If the blog is all ETMOOC then you don’t have to worry about tags and categories. I am adding it to the system shortly.

  3. Hey Alan, you’re a total rock star. I think I’ve followed your directions correctly but please let me know if I messed up. If I didn’t mess up I’ve just learned something new. ๐Ÿ™‚ Karen

  4. Can you add my blog to this hub? Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Alan, any way we can check to see if our posts are showing up in the hub? I’m subscribed as I have already tagged two posts with #etmooc.

  6. Pingback: #etmooc begins! « catherinecronin

  7. Pingback: Observations on ETMOOC Week 1 – People, Processes and Stuff « Principal Greg Miller

  8. Hi, I added my blog and included the url as you instructed, but don’t see it listed yet. I am also blogging for another MOOC, but will add the #etmooc tags to my posts.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Andreia- the purpose of the hub is to aggregate the ideas people are sharing on personal blogs. is a fine resource, but that is not the content we seek here.

    • Hi Louise,

      I could not find your url in the google form, but I added it directly to the system. a “#” won’t make a difference and is not necessary, it is ignored when the feed URL is generated.

  9. Pingback: Moving Forward from Orientation Week | MOOC Feeds from around the WorldMOOC Feeds from around the World

  10. Pingback: Time flies… « debseed

  11. Pingback: Wikis and cMOOCs | My Portfolio

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