Summer Reading

As the school year is wrapping up so too is this blog.  We have a couple of more posts planned for the year, but then we will be taking a hiatus for the summer.  With that in mind here are our top 5 recommended blogs for your summer reading enjoyment.
1) written by Richard Byrne.  In this blog, you will be provided with a multitude of free technology resources to use in your classroom including their pedagogical link.
2) is written by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano.  Blog posts often focus on connected learning, technology integration 21st century skills and literacy.
3) this website provides you with a variety of “follow” options.  There are blogs with various focuses to add to your RSS feed, follow then on Twitter or “like” them on Facebook.  A wealth of information and resources education related.
4), provides you with the same options as edutopia.  Browse the website and find what interests you the most and be sure to subscribe or follow those feeds.
5), a community of educations who share resources for digital resources.
Happy reading!
Meagan Kearney and Sophie Lussier