LIFT: Get in the HABIT of using this APP!


I need all the help I can get to balance my home and school/tech life. I saw this app mentioned somewhere, most likely on Twitter, and I checked it out on my iPhone.

I downloaded this immediately and selected tasks to start tracking. I chose 4 tasks to begin: Take multivitamins, Do laundry consistently, Clean up email, Evernote, DBox and finally Blog more.
I am happy to report that LIFT has increased my productivity at home. 

I am adding daily school tasks to LIFT this week that will make me more efficient at school.
Here’s a quick video using the screenshots on my phone. Lift is easy to use.
I took screenshots of the app on my phone and then uploaded the pics to iMovie to create a quick video. Trying to increase my iMovie fluency!

I simply like the check-ins. Each morning now I do laundry before 7am. I NEVER did that before LIFT. Take that, laundry mountain!!

You can add friends or not, the choice is yours. I don’t know anyone on Lift yet and it doesn’t bother me. The social aspect of it is there if you want it; it is not necessary to achieve results with LIFT!

Enjoy and may your efficiency increase!