Discovering the power of Twitter

It took me a long time to become a fan of Twitter.  At first, I had the impression that it was just another social platform that would eat some precious minutes out of my oh-so busy schedule. I had a Facebook account, a full time job and a family to take care of so I didn’t need Twitter.  Was I ever wrong! 
After listening to a radio show on my way home where everybody was exchanging information that they had gathered on Twitter, I decided to look more closely into it.  I was so impressed at the amount of information I was able to gather in such a short period of time.  I began by following educators and subjects linked to my profession.  Then I looked at news, politicians and personalities.  For the first few months, I was reading and following links.  I still wasn’t ready to jump in and start tweeting myself. I took a chance at the beginning of the school year because I wanted to share with my teachers. 
The power of Twitter is unbelievable. I now exchange with my teachers on a regular basis and sometimes with some of their students.  This exchange is very rich and meaningful.
Here are some small steps to get started:
2. Start by following 5 people in your field of work
Here are some suggestions for education:
Edutopia:  Good resources for 21st century learning
Discovery Education:  STEM related material
Richard Byrne:  Free technology for teacher
Skype-Education:  All kinds of projects and activities linked with Skype
NCTM:  National Council for Teachers Of Mathematics:  You will receive the problem of the week and some more information.
3.  Start following the Twitter accounts for news and personal interest items
4.  Start tweeting yourself
Let me know how you are doing by sending me a tweet @solussier.
Hope you will find some interesting information to share.