Lesson 1: Be prepared!

Global warming candle for Earth Hour

Very clever, the course is meant to start at the end of January, and here we all are, engaged and establishing our online community more than two months before we “start”! I’m going to use this blog to keep a record of my personal notes and lessons and perhaps there is something useful here for others as well. New learning means joining the dots yourself, working out how to use tools and information others (both teachers and students) make available through all these different platforms we are exploring. Collaborative social learning for sure! 
This early start is essential if students are expected to utilize a range of online tools. Notes for today:

  • Setup of online platforms we will be using in the course. Suddenly twittering, reactivating my much disliked facebook, cranking up google+ and the youtube library and bringing blogger to life. 
  • Through the #edcmooc hashtag on twitter, we are all introducing ourselves. There are lots of us and I’m wondering if like my last coursera course (where there were reportedly 26,000 students) I will find the enormity overwhelming and back out of the forums.
  • But wait, in the stream of #edcmoocs, we see Chris Swift has set up a google map where we can all pin our locations. So instead of endless scrolling through our tweets, we have a visual representation, linking people to places and pulling the drawstring to make something big and spread out look manageable. Very,very good. Mentally, I can cope with this. eLearning and Digital Cultures MOOC Course Map
  • There is a need to update my coursera profile and am wondering at this stage where to park the links to all the different sites we will be using. I see we can do this in the edcmoocs google,  or even on twitter. Perhaps this blog is my personal mothership in this course.