Storify, a way to share links in one place?

I’ve been trying to think of a way to share all EDCMOOC links on one platform. I thought of storify, and I’m not sure this is the best way, however, it does seem to work. If you haven’t encountered storify before, its a platform that lets you create a story or narrative using posts from various social networking sites, including images and video. Well worth a look, there are some quite powerful stories on the current outbreak of violence in Gaza/Israel.

Mine is not a story, just a listing of the platforms we have set up for our coursera course, but it is all in the one spot now I guess and in a publishable format that I can share with one click. Funny though, it doesn’t seem to appear on the #edcmooc on twitter, even though I have tweeted the link.

eLearning and Digital Culture: Angela’s Network of Sites: Storify

I plan to keep adding to it as I sell my soul to the online world, all in the name of digital education, laying bare my life to anyone and everyone who will take me…..twitter, flikr, youtube, tumblr.,storify, blogger, google+ and facebook. I can’t imagine we will all be friending each other on facebook, perhaps there will be a edcmooc page. But there, done now.