
Hi ETMOOC. My name is Kim English and I am a Registered Nurse and Faculty member in the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing. My research area is in rural nursing and rural health — which may lead you to wonder what the heck I am doing here!! As part of this I have had growing interest and engagement in using innovative ways of providing education and support to nurses and other healthcare providersĀ in rural and remote settings. So in addition to my earlier interest I now find myself embedded in learning all I can about effective ways to use technology to engage learners – thus my reason for jumping on board. I have 3 childrenĀ  — all teenagers (15 year old twins and a 13 year old) so am constantly reminded of how little I know about using technology when I watch them using it so effortlessly! My husband and I are also teaching ourselves how to make the leap from using pc to mac– our ipads and iphones have converted us, now we are tackling our mac! And again am reminded of how little I know. I have my Master’s degree in Nursing and am in the process of applying for doctoral studies in education — unless my peers currently engaged in doctoral work convince me otherwise. I will also be starting a MOOC via Coursera at the end of the month on E-learning and digital cultures so it will be an interesting time!1 I am truly looking forward to engaging in this dialogue with all of you!
