Due to Technical Difficulties

This is just a quick update – I know I’ve been quiet on the blog this past two months.

Plans for Minecraft at school have slowed as my IT partner in crime concentrates on setting everything up for report writing. We’ve run into a couple of hiccups with the Minecraft site not liking the proxy server at our school and we’ve just not had time to chase the solution down and apply it.

On the positive side there are several teachers interested in learning more about the possibilities of Minecraft, even more students eager to have a go with it. I also have a nice group of students willing to teach the finer points and help me get the real estate established AND a student showed me a math assignment/problem her’d solved the other week using Minecraft to demonstrate the solution. Cool!

I ran across this article written by the same guy who writes The MineCraft Teacher on Tumblr. Improving Digital Citizenship skills is definitely the area that I’m most interested in when providing students with the opportunity to try out Minecraft next year at school.