“First” MOOC – well not really!

OK, I have to admit that I  ”registered” for many a MOOC, but found that I would get over-whelmed by the amount of information circulating from the multitude of networking tools used.  This forced me to become a lurker and a reaper of the relevant resources shared by my fellow learners.  For anyone who knows me, I am generally an active participant in all that I do; needless to say I wasn’t too pleased with this result.  I shouldn’t be too hard on myself, as this is one of the benefits of this learning community – right??

Well, it’s early into 2013 and I resolve to be an active participant in the Educational Technology based MOOC – etmooc (http://etmooc.org).  It appears that the information is well laid out (which is effective for my learning style).  I hope this resolution lasts longer than my commitment to stay away from chocolate LOL!

We’ll see!!!