Launch of this blog

I am excited to begin this project.  I believe I have much to say about the education space, along with the experiences I’ve had (and continue to have).  I have three goals:

1.  Engaging, focused content.  I intend to write about news and people who are at the intersection of thought leadership, technology, and entrepreneurship in the education industry (K-20).  I hope to eventually do some interviews with well respected individuals in the space, adding podcasts and video to enhance your experience.  

2.  Build respectful conversation/feedback amongst the community.  This blog is only as good as the audience we can reach and the conversation we have together.  The more conversation, the more we will learn.  I am accountable for being respectful in my commentary, and I expect that from you as well.

3.  Have some fun.  I am pretty dorky when it comes to this stuff.  If I do my job well, then we will have some fun.  I hope this blog can be a small piece of moving our industry forward and keeping us informed.  

Ok, stayed tuned for more.