erica’s etmooc adventure 2013-01-13 18:28:00

Finally beginning my etmooc journey.  For me, putting my thoughts in writing and out there for the world to read is a big step.  I have been involved in promoting technology as a teacher and an elementary and secondary administrator since the early days of my career, but have done so in the relative privacy of my school and peer group.
I am really excited about trying out new technologies and promoting their use with students and teachers.  My first adventure is creating a digital story and adventure it is turning out to be!

For the initial stage I have been looking through my extensive photo library and selecting pictures.  My first big discovery is that I am lousy at filing and labeling pictures, which has made the selection process long and tedious.  Another glaring issue is tracking of pictures on my various devices.  It seems that in addition to having filing issues with the main group in iphoto,  I have pictures on my ipad, my phone, and my laptop.