
Hi Everyone!  So for our first assignment in ETMOOC we are supposed to introduce ourselves.  I thought I would try something new and in my readings on the course website, I came across a list of 50+ tools for digital storytelling.  In an effort to procrastinate and avoid doing some marking even more, I attempted to use vuvox (which I have never tried before, so please be kind if you are commenting!).

So here it is:

I hope it works ok!

Like I mentioned in the ‘story’ I live near Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Right now I am teaching at an Adult Learning Centre teaching grade 12 courses to adults who are wanting to upgrade their marks or to try to get a high school diploma.

I am really interested in using technology to enhance learning.  I am also interested in online learning and am thinking about going for a master’s degree but am torn between UBC (MET) and Athabaska (M Distance Ed).  Both are online programs which I need to help balance work and two small children. (if anyone has any feedback on these programs I would love to hear about it!!)  I am interested in connecting with other adult educators or educators in general as my sphere of teacher friends is limited (I don’t get out much!).

Well, I could go on and on, but my littlest munchkin is running in circles “dancing” around the kitchen.  Looking forward to meeting you all and learning from and with you!