#ETMOOC day one.

0912wallpaper-week-3-10_1600Ok, so I was working on my class website over on Edublogs and saw this announcement across the top of the page of my dashboard that kept distracting me.  The scientist in me had to click on it.. and after reading, searching, etc.  I’ve decided I MUST do this…

Time is of the essence, so I’ll do some fancy media thingy later…

I’m Chevin Simone.  Chevin rhymes with Heaven. I answer to Chevin, Chev, Simone, Monie, and hey you, teacher lady.

I teach middle school science (6th grade)

I have a bachelor’s degree in industrial management (minors in chemistry and biology).

I have a bachelor’s degree in education(specialty in middle school science).

I’ve started a master’s degree program in educational technology (what? I like learning, don’t you?).

I live in Gary, Indiana, 30 miles east of beautiful downtown Chicago.  If you look at a map of the Great Lakes, Gary sits at the southern tip of Lake Michigan… I live 3 miles from the tip. (not that that’s important) 

I teach in Hammond Indiana and have 136 of the most amazing students on the planet (we all say that, right?)

I am learning how to write project based learning curriculum and start my first project in 2 weeks.  We’re going to be mission specialists tasked with determining if and where water can be found on Mars, building rovers to explore the planet and finally build a habitat to leave there.  It will take the rest of the school year.  I’ll keep you posted. (pray for me.. this just might kill me.)

I want to make the learning experience in my classroom one that is filled with technology, critical thinking, creativity, and most importantly, fun!

oh yeah.. I like cats and make jewelry.

Enough of this… let’s learn something, shall we?

Tagged: #etmooc