Hello, #etmooc world!


My name is Dimitris Tzouris and I am really excited to participate in #etmooc!

I am an Educational Technology Consultant, helping learners and educators use technology and new media effectively and meaningfully. I work at Anatolia College, a non-profit institution in Thessaloniki, in northern Greece.

You could say my life is immersed in technology. You could say I’m a tech geek. You’d probably be right.
Here’s me reading the news on my tablet. 

I use Twitter a lot and I’m sure though this course I’ll get connected to more interesting people out there.
People like you.

I also hope this experience makes me start blogging regularly again. But most importantly, I hope #etmooc will be a learning experience that I’ll enjoy with the rest of you.
Besides, it sounds fun, right?

So, see you at #etmooc!