Help me…I’m doing another one!

To clarify, that’s another MOOC – Massive Open Online Course.  I started last year with my gamification course, managed to fit in the Google Power Searching course near the end and then moved on to a creative commons offering which proved too hard to fit in right around Christmas.  This year I decided I should take it easy and work on all the other projects I have planned, but I was tempted into joining #etmooc.  This is an educational technology & media mooc that has over 1200 participants from 67 countries.  The international organisers are professors and other gurus from the educational technology field.  How could I resist?!  If you’re interested in finding out more about it then check here.  They hold blackboard collaborate sessions and are on twitter and have a Google+ community.

My orientation week activity was to create an introductory video about myself.  I joined Google+ to see what everyone else was doing and decided to have a go with Animoto, which has the advantage of being very short (30 secs max on free version). 

Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.

I am very keen to continue with this mooc and meet like-minded people from around the world.  As I say in the video I do love to learn new things.  The trick will be fitting it in with everything else.  Any time management tips would be much appreciated!