Greetings, ETMOOC community!

I`m a school teacher in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I consider myself a Social Studies teacher since history is really what gets me fired up. I work with our regional heritage fair (the Red River Heritage Fair) to get kids fired up about history, and try to do informal events to link social studies teachers together face to face.

However, as the teacher who dabbles in technology, I`ve ended up becoming a computer media teacher as well. I do all those courses like digital photography, and desktop publishing that no one else wants to do. I didn`t train to do any of that stuff since most of it didn`t exist when I got my teaching degree. I think I`ve learned to do most of it fairly well, but never having been formally trained at it, I tend to be a bit unsure.

I go by the handle `mrpuffin` on most networks, so I`m easy to find on Twitter and it wouldn`t be hard to guess my GMail address.

I`m currently playing with black and white photography to improve my eye for when I have my students work with it.  IMG_0561Fortunately for me, my son is a willing subject who really likes to ham it up for the camera. I`m enjoying the experiment. It`s curious that I`ve always looked down on the old technology in black and white and now I`m seeing new possibilities in it.

I hope to `meet`a good number of people in this ETMOOC, or at least to learn from them. It`s pretty simple to learn a couple about computers, or collaboration, and then think you`ve arrived. I hope to be stretched by this experience and see new ways to get the kids put things together in a fresh way.