Introduction for #ETMOOC

Hello.  I’m Cameron Bales.  I’m a licensed teacher in Ottawa Canada who is very happy to actually be training medical offices to use Electronic Medical Records.  I have a delightful wife and daughter.

I’ve been a professional in the Educational Technology Space – I was on a team that produced a CD full of HyperCard stacks for an Introductory Physics Cours, and I’ve authored a business course for a BlackBoard System.

My B.Ed. was from Acadia University (Nova Scotia, Canada)  I was in one of the first classes there to use laptops in all classes.  Mount Allison (New Brunswick, Canada)  hosted my for my B.Sc. in Physics, Math and Engineering.

I’ve been hopeful about Educational Technology for a long time – three decades.  Sadly I haven’t seen much good, but I remain hopeful.

I’m taking this course to re-immerse myself in the current state of the art.  I’ve forgotten most of the jargon, and it’s been a decade since I’ve done any authoring.

At work we need to explore new ways to train our clients how to use our software.  Currently we do almost all our training face to face.  We are making tentative steps to do demonstration videos.  I need to help us figure out what kind of educational technologies make sense for us and our clients. Then I’ll be on the team putting the system together.