Orientation Week Activity

Hi All! This is really a repost of my intro on Google+ but here goes anyway. I’m Jim Cash (@cashjim) from Mississauga, Ontario.  I am a resource teacher in my board; I support teachers in 54 schools who are in the pursuit of employing technology in the service of learning and instruction.

I am a big proponent of constructivist learning strategies in schools that put the learner in more in charge of directing their learning and knowledge/skill building.  I am active on Twitter and have recently begun a blog at makelearn.org. I am looking forward to this MOOC as a way to network with other educators and, above all, learn more about how educational technology can facilitate learning.

Here is a YouTube video of a Scratch program. I have been working in Scratch with some students lately and they have been experimenting with variables and loops. This little program is an example of what they are all playing around with at the moment…

Here is the student’s code… I changed the sprite to the ETMOOC logo :-)

Scratch #ETMOOC