Blue Dar 2013-01-15 23:01:00

I have resisted setting up a blog because I’m not particularly interested in being “out there” in the public. Secondly, I’m uncertain that I have much to contribute to the public discourse. My “publics” are smaller ones in my immediate physical world and those previous physical worlds now held together through email and other social network tools. Yes, I have met many other virtually but that connection often has endured only for a specific engagement.

What has motivated me to surface is the enrollment in etMOOC We shall see how long I can remain connected–literally because either the IPS or the electricity is known to isolate me. This happened several times during chats with my team mates also enrolled in the Stanford University MOOC on Developing New Learning Environments.

My profile will take you the first etMOOC assignment but you can access my first assignment submission here